This article and many more film/feminist-related articles may be found at margaretperry.org.
My first contribution to the 2013 Summer Reading Classic Film Book Challenge (Out of the Past) will be about my least favorite Katharine Hepburn biography. Actually, "Knowing Hepburn and Other Curious Experiences" by James Prideaux is less a Hepburn biography and more a Prideaux autobiography.
The height of James Prideaux's writing career was writing three made-for-TV movies featuring Katharine Hepburn. The self-obsession he displays in his memoirs does not seem to have accurately manifest itself in any real sort of professional success. He can only boast nine writing credits for television screenplays between 1954 and 1992. Yet he exudes a curious mix of enormous self-confidence and tricky personal insecurity throughout "Knowing Hepburn."

LAURA LANSING SLEPT HERE (1988) has Hepburn playing a successful author who must live with a family in Yonkers so that she can get back in touch with real people. Part of the movie's charm is getting to see Hepburn play Hepburn - to the max. The film also features her grandniece, Schyler Grant, who also played Diana in the Anne of Green Gables series. The third and last movie Prideaux and Hepburn teamed up on was THE MAN UPSTAIRS (1992), a mediocre story about an old woman who finds and bonds with the escaped convict hiding in her attic.
Although the book is peppered with anecdotes about Prideaux's professional relationship with Miss Hepburn, his stories do nothing more than confirm what other biographers have written about her habits, attitude, and general disposition. In this way it is similar to "At Home with Kate," though it doesn't even have the added attraction of Hepburn's favorite recipes.
Prideaux might like to think that he shared a close personal freindship with Hepburn, it is clear that she did not consider him as close a friend as A. Scott Berg. Berg's biography/memoir "Remembering Kate" is flawed as a historical account because of his personal relationship with his subject, but the stories he records of his relationship with the star are much more personal and tender than those found in Prideaux's book.
Prideaux comes across as little more than a wannabe Hollywood name-dropper. His observations of Miss Hepburn are not always shed in the most positive light, either. His vanity often gets in the way of his writing respectfully about the star he is clearly obsessed with impressing. I don't wonder that she kept him just a little outside her inner circle of confidantes.
James Prideaux's "Knowing Hepburn and Other Curious Experiences" it worth a miss unless you are really so desperate to spend just that much more time hearing people talk about her (as I was when I first read the book, admittedly). It really has nothing to offer that you could find in other more amusing, more personal, more accurate records of her life.
Thanks for participating in my challenge and for your very honest review of this book! Which Katherine Hepburn book do you recommend? I have read An Affair to Remember by Christopher Anderson but not much else.
ReplyDeleteI'll definitely be writing more Hepburn biography reviews over the summer. Her autobiography is very good. So are the Anne Edwards, Charlotte Chandler, and Barbara Leaming biographies. More anon!
DeleteWhat about Kate, by William Mann?
DeleteMann's book is well-researched, but so many of his conclusions are based on speculation due to the nature of his line of reasoning. I have used his work for some of my research, though I try to steer clear of his overall thesis.
DeleteNow don't hold back from saying what you really think! :) I think this book would greatly annoy me, too, and I will give it a pass. Thanks!