
12 March 2014

Announcing The Great Katharine Hepburn Blogathon!

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The time has come! After three years participating in the classic film blogging community with, Margaret Perry is finally ready to host her very own blogathon. What will the topic of this blogathon be, you ask? Who else but my most favorite classic movie star ever, the great Katharine Hepburn herself!

The Great Katharine Hepburn Blogathon will take place over Miss Hepburn's birthday weekend, May 10-12. Hepburn would have been 107 years old May 12, 2014, which sounds pretty old, but she was all of 96 when she passed away in 2003. Quite a dame.

Find out about rules, prizes, and participants at!

1 comment:

Can't wait to hear your thoughts!