
23 October 2013

Introducing the Heptoid!

While working on my Katharine Hepburn capstone in college, my academic advisor and I discovered that it was more expedient to refer to the project as my "Hepstone" since "Hepburn capstone" is quite a mouthful. In the quest for a recurring feature on my blog, I've decided to introduce the Heptoid, a series of trivia (Hepfact), images (Heppic or Heptoon), memes (Hepmeme), GIFs (HepGIF), and quotes (Hepquote) from and/or about the great Katharine Hepburn.

If I have posted a meme or GIF that you created, or if I have incorrectly cited an item, please let me know so I can link back to its original source. We must give credit where credit is due!

Heptoon #1: Steve Benson's cartoon tribute to Miss Hepburn in the Arizona Republic, 7/2/2003
heaven dresses

1 comment:

Can't wait to hear your thoughts!