
The Great Katharine Hepburn has relocated to, where you will find even more amazing reviews and commentaries on films from the classic era to today!

23 October 2013

Introducing the Heptoid!

While working on my Katharine Hepburn capstone in college, my academic advisor and I discovered that it was more expedient to refer to the project as my "Hepstone" since "Hepburn capstone" is quite a mouthful. In the quest for a recurring feature on my blog, I've decided to introduce the Heptoid, a series of trivia (Hepfact), images (Heppic or Heptoon), memes (Hepmeme), GIFs (HepGIF), and quotes (Hepquote) from and/or about the great Katharine Hepburn.

If I have posted a meme or GIF that you created, or if I have incorrectly cited an item, please let me know so I can link back to its original source. We must give credit where credit is due!

Heptoon #1: Steve Benson's cartoon tribute to Miss Hepburn in the Arizona Republic, 7/2/2003
heaven dresses

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Can't wait to hear your thoughts!
